City of Phoenix Rezoning Case No. Z-79-22

Approximately 200 feet NW of the NWC of 12th Street and Turney Avenue

Project Summary

We represent Turney Canals, LLC with respect to approximately 1.64 acres generally located 200 feet northwest of the northwest corner of 12th Street and Turney Avenue (“Property”). We have recently filed a rezoning application (case no. Z-79-22 or “Application”) with the City of Phoenix to rezone the Property from the R-3 Multifamily District to the R-4 Multifamily District to allow for a 45-unit multifamily residential development. The property is currently improved with a 19-unit multifamily development which was constructed more than half a century ago.

As shown on the below linked Conceptual Site Plan, Building Elevations and Renderings, the specific development proposal is a high-quality multifamily community comprised of a single three-story building and associated resident amenities. To take advantage of the property’s location adjacent to the Grand Canal Trail, the building has been strategically oriented away from the street and parallel to the canal to help frame the pedestrian environment in a way that is compatible with the surrounding area’s existing zoning and land uses. The first floor is proposed as parking and amenity space with living areas on the second and third floors. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Project Location

Virtual Neighborhood Meeting Info

A Zoom virtual neighborhood meeting has been scheduled for the application on Monday, November 14, 2022 at 6:00 PM. Please click here to register for the virtual neighborhood meeting.

Project Contact

For questions or to provide comments regarding this project that will be made part of the public record, please contact:

Nick Sobraske
Senior Land Use Planner
Gammage & Burnham, PLC
(602) 256-4449

Project Documents

  • City Application Cover Page [PDF]
  • Conceptual Site Plan [PDF]
  • Conceptual Building Elevations [PDF]
  • Location Map and Current Street Views [PDF]
Public Hearing Dates

Encanto Village Planning Committee

January 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Meeting will be held virtually.

To participate, see the instructions available on the Public Meeting Notices website:

Planning Commission

February 2, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Meeting may be held in person at the City of Phoenix Council Chambers (200 W. Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003) or virtually.

To participate, see the instructions available on the Public Meeting Notices website:

City Council

March 1, 2023 at 2:30 PM

Meeting may be held in person at the City of Phoenix Council Chambers (200 W. Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003) or virtually.

To participate, see the instructions available on the Public Meeting Notices website: